Serhan Yilmaz

Serhan Yilmaz

resume | linkedin | github | media | misc | email

I am a senior-year undergraduate student in Computer Science at Sabanci University, where I have maintained a strong academic record with a cGPA of 3.63/4. I am currently working as a Research Assistant at KTH Royal Institute of Technology under Prof. Gabriel Skantze, developing advanced AI agents for turn-taking conversation.

I have also been fortunate to collaborate with Prof. Kemal Oflazer at Carnegie Mellon University on advanced question generation algorithms for NLP applications.

Previously, I spent a summer as an intern at EPFL Lausanne, where I worked with Rachid Guerraoui and initiated Project Charisius for developing robust, privacy-preserving Federated ML environments.

At Sabanci University, I founded and lead kAi Sabanci, the university's AI club, and got selected for NVIDIA Student Spotlight series for my dedication and achievement.


I am interested in LLM Retrieval and Reasoning, with a recent focus on Multimodal AI Agents.

I also take interest in Conversational AI, Speech Processing, NeuroAI, and Low-Resource NLP.


Aug 13, 2024 This webpage is live. Migrating from the previous one.
Jul 25, 2024 Started an LLM-Agent project for Charité Berlin. Collaborating with UKP Lab and Iryna Gurevych from TU Darmstadt & MBZUAI.
Jul 25, 2024 Started investigating something cool with friends from Georgia Tech and Harvard.
Jun 18, 2024 Started working with Prof. Gabriel Skantze at KTH. Moved to Stockholm for 2 months.
Dec 1, 2023 Started working with Prof. Kemal Oflazer at CMU.
Sep 9, 2023 Returned back to Turkey after 3 months in Lausanne working at EPFL.
Jun 19, 2023 Started working at EPFL, moved to Lausanne for 3 months.
Mar 15, 2023 Officially founded kAi Sabanci as president, together with an amazing team.


  1. Coming Soon! (Topoformer/Mamba?)
    Serhan Yilmaz


(* denotes equal contribution)
  1. In Progress!
    Serhan Yilmaz, ?